Acne scar treatment using Opus RF plasma

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At three and six months post-treatment, this patent, who underwent RF (Radiofrequency) plasma therapy for acne scars, experienced positive outcomes. Not only did the procedure significantly diminish the appearance of scars, but it also fostered a smoother, more even skin texture, leading to heightened confidence and improved quality of life. Moreover, patients report minimal discomfort during the procedure and experience little to no downtime, making it a convenient and well-tolerated option for scar revision. This positive outcome underscores RF plasma therapy as a promising and effective solution for individuals seeking scar improvement and overall skin rejuvenation.

Acne scar treatment RF Plasma

Before treatment

After 6 treatments

Acne scar treatment with Opus

Before Treatment

After 3 treatments

Acne scar treatment with Opus

After 6 treatments


Acne scar treatment with Opus


After 6 treatments

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.