Is Your Vision Good To Go?
Vision In The Military
The Military Attacks Vision Problems
The Navy began studying the effects of laser eye surgery in 1993 and a 1996 U.S. Navy PRK study found that every patient in the study had improved. The results were such a success that the Navy immediately purchased an excimer laser. After more years of study, it was determined that all pilots who underwent PRK were able to have their vision restored to the “highest visual classification for a Naval aviator.”
The Army’s first PRK/LASIK site opened in May 2000 at Fort Bragg, N.C. More than 5,000 soldiers from XVIII Airborne Corps and the Special Operations Command have since been treated with outstanding results.
The Walter Reed Center for Refractive Surgery had its first patient in March 2002 and has since performed the procedure on more than 600 patients. The waiting list today is more than six months long.
What This Means For YOUR Eyes
Capstone Vision wants to make sure your vision is “good to go.” With the latest technology, and years of finding the right vision solutions for patients, Dr. Emmert-Buck is prepared to make sure your vision is the best it can be – no matter what your day holds. Call and make your appointment today.
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